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At UW-Eau Claire, 我们提供大型机构的机会和资源, but with a unique individual focus. 我们的研究生课程和证书旨在帮助您在职业生涯中取得进步, expand into a new field, or continue your journey as a lifelong learner, all while feeling valued and supported.


Level Up Your Learning at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 

设有15个以上的研究生学位课程和5个证书课程, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校有一个计划,以满足您的职业和个人目标. 从艺术,商业,教育,医疗保健,技术等备受推崇的项目中进行选择.

我们的研究生可以利用多种课堂交付选择, designed to accommodate your busy life. 我们提供完全在线的课程,所以你可以在上课的同时继续工作, on-campus so you can learn in our modern, future-forward facilities, 或者混合选择,提供灵活的时间安排和实践机会. Your education, your schedule.

我们屡获殊荣的教师在各自的领域拥有丰富的经验,并与当地的企业和行业领导者建立了联系, regionally, and nationwide. 这些关系为我们的学生在他们的学术生涯中实习打开了大门,并在毕业后建立了他们的专业网络. 

With a wide variety of program options, small class sizes, and personalized attention, big opportunities await you at UW-Eau Claire.

Graduate Degrees
Graduate Certificates
flowers on campus mall with Davies in background
Graduate Tuition & Fees
Find tuition and fees for graduate programs.
UW-Eau Claire campus mall
Start Your Application
Female graduate in cap and gown, blond, glasses. Courtney Stearns
Graduate Studies Office
发现什么设置威斯康星大学欧克莱尔的研究生课程分开,以及如何成为一个布鲁戈尔德. 查找有关学费,奖学金,认证等的有用信息.
Schofield Hall summer shot
Explore Financial Help
查找有关助学金等经济机会的信息, fellowships, grants, and scholarships.


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