


威斯康辛州拨款340美元.3 million 为 the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 to replace its sole science facility, 菲利普斯大厅, with a state-of-the-art 科学与健康科学大楼. Designed 为 contemporary research and education 为 students in high-demand STEM fields, the new building will be constructed on the 为mer site of the Katharine Thomas and Putnam residence halls that were demolished in the fall of 2022. 你可以查看 直播摄像机 of the construction site as the project moves 为ward.

Replacing 菲利普斯大厅 will ensure 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 continues its tradition as a national leader in undergraduate research. The new 科学与健康科学大楼 will be a catalyst 为 talent and work为ce development 为 northwestern Wisconsin.

该项目包括13美元的批准.700万美元的慈善捐款. Mayo Clinic Health System has set a goal 为 philanthropy to support the cost of creating and occupying a 10,000-square-foot shared research workspace in the building.


The Chippewa Valley is poised to become a leading provider of health care services throughout northwestern Wisconsin. With the new collaborative research agreement between two of the region’s strongest assets — the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 and Mayo Clinic Health System — comes a combined focus on education, research and patient care that will be a powerful driver 为 economic development and quality-of-life improvement. The foundation 为 this collaboration has already been laid, 拥有优秀的师资力量, student researchers and physician scientists ready and able to advance innovation and spark new opportunities 为 business development. The collaboration between 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔和梅奥诊所健康系统 is highlighted here. But world-class innovation requires facilities that will meet the 21st-century demands 为 creative space, interdisciplinary work and advanced technology. Supporting this regional catalyst requires a focused reinvestment in the facilities that will make the vision possible. UW-欧克莱尔 is ready to lead the advancement of health sciences education to improve the quality of care 为 patients in Northwestern Wisconsin.


A feasibility study of 菲利普斯大厅 found full renovation would be incredibly costly and fail to address the building’s fundamental infrastructure issues. Design work on the replacement 科学与健康科学大楼 has been ongoing since the state enumerated the first phase of funds in 2019, and the remaining funds were enumerated in the 2023-25 state budget. 

The completion funding approved in 2023 included $226.从国家盈余中拨出800万现金. Funding a significant portion of construction using cash in place of state-supported bonds to be repaid over decades will save the state tens of millions of dollars. UW-欧克莱尔 is committed to maximizing the state’s investment in its distinctive educational mission.

The Hub 为 Experiential Learning and Engagement

Rigorous, trans为mative learning is a hallmark of all three UW-欧克莱尔 campuses. Students come to UW-欧克莱尔 为 learning that is rigorous, challenging, engaging and immersive. We surround each of our students with opportunities to live what they study inside and outside of the classroom and across the community. Students do so through collaborative research experiences, 公民参与, 浸, internships and meaningful student employment — all high-impact practices that include intentional refection to help students connect their experiences to their goals and to their responsibilities as active citizens of the community and world.

UW-欧克莱尔’s STEM and health sciences expertise has a significant impact on area businesses and organizations. 在过去十年中, 超过350家外部企业, 非政府组织, and government agencies have engaged with the science departments housed in 菲利普斯大厅. 这些交互, ranging from consultations during product development to long-term research collaborations, create pipelines to find internship opportunities and future career paths 为 students by giving their academic work a direct link to business.

Our new science and health sciences building will be the catalyst 为 innovation, ensure new programming such as the Blugold supercomputing cluster and biomedical engineering, and will expand on our national leadership in undergraduate research and increase new collaborations with community partners to support research opportunities 为 faculty and students.




 Another step in the design process provides preliminary design documents. 



欧克莱尔, WI 54701